If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll have seen me go on about John Rensten's book The Edible City quite a bit. So it will come as no surprise to you that I am reasonably excited to have discovered a new foraging podcast which features John in its latest episode, titled The Edible City - Urban Foraging During Lockdown. He and host Robin Harford discuss how we can keep foraging in cities during lockdown - how to stay safe while doing it, and why foraging is vitally important for our mental and physical wellbeing. Bristol gets a mention, too! And permaculture. All the important things basically.
The podcast series is hosted by Robin Harford on his Eatweeds website, which is a veritable treasure trove of foraging information! I highly recommend having a browse.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some podcast episodes to catch up on...
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