„That’s one very happy bumblebee“, I thought the other day,
as I watched a rotund bee-shaped body whizz around my broad bean plants, diving
in and out of its gorgeous flowers with astonishing non-bumbly precision. I
became curious about the flowers. I went and had a closer look. I knelt down
and smelt them. This is the second or third year I’m growing overwintered broad
bean plants (or field beans) on my allotment for green manure, yet for the
first time ever it occurred to me to actually stop and smell the flowers. I
couldn’t believe what I’d been missing – so fragrant! A total delight!
A bit of research revealed that broad bean flowers were
rated by many as being quite high up on the edible-flowers-deliciousness-scale.
So last night, when I had a bowl of sorry-looking leftover salad leaves to
liven up, I went and extracted a handful of flowers… careful not to disturb any
bumbles, obviously.
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